Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Our Kids are Tooooo Funny

Hannah and Noah were having a conversation about losing weight-don't know HOW they got on that conversation, but they were. Hannah said, "I know how you can lose weight--go on the show, "The Biggest Loser" and Noah said, "No, not if it's belly fat-you just have to take Relicore" It cracked Sarah up because here is a five year old that knows what Relicore is and can actually pronounce it!

Hannah has pretty much broken our bank account with all the teeth she has lost. Three days ago, she lost another tooth. That night she put her tooth under her pillow hoping that the "Tooth Fairy" would come. She even wrote a nice note to the "Tooth Fairy". During the course of the night she wasn't feeling well, so she climbed in bed with us. Well, she woke up and her tooth was still under her pillow so she figured since she wasn't in her bed the tooth fairy missed her. The next night she put her tooth under her pillow and the "Tooth Fairy" came.
Well, today, we(the tooth fairy) put the tooth in our top drawer along with the note. Sarah was rummaging in the drawer and Hannah saw the note she wrote to the tooth fairy. Sarah told her the note was too heavy for the tooth fairy to carry, but Hannah figured it out and had a big toothless grin! Sarah told her to not tell her brothers and sister.