Friday, September 30, 2005

You've seen the pictures of our wonderful kids, but I want to introduce you to my incredible wife, Sarah. We have been married for over 10 years!
We met at the University of Central Oklahoma through the Baptist Student Union and a business class! She later started coming to my church. Our first date was to a Ricky Skaggs concert. We started dating in a February, I asked her to marry me the next September and then in May of '95, we got married!
The picture you see is of us in Belarus. For our 10 year wedding anniversary, we did a mission trip/vacation/10 year anniversary in Belarus, where Sarah's parents serve as missionaries. We had such a great time and it was incredible to see what God is doing in Belarus!

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Welcome to our Blog! Check back often on updates from our family! Pictures, stories and thoughts will accompany this blog. Through this we want to share with you God's unmerited favor through the good times and the challenging times.
We got the idea of the name for this blog from our good friend, Wes Atkinson. Instead of calling our daughter by her name, Grace, he calls her Unmerited Favor, which is such a hoot. Unmerited Favor....oh how we are blessed by God!
Through this we hope you will keep up with us. Some of what we write won't matter much to you, but it's awesome to think of how God has entrusted us with four wonderful children: Hannah, Noah, Grace, and Elijah and so this blog is in essence a thank you to Jesus for entrusting us with these four treasures.
We also hope that this will be an encouragement to you as we also share our insights in life!